What we say and do for ourselves matters

What we say and do for ourselves matters. Words matter and so does your

stinking thinking. Get up and do your best! Just try!

I learned very quickly that the more I gave myself a break for the things I

couldn’t do, YET!! The better I felt about myself. Taking one step literally at a

time, achieving one small goal, and trying things that scared the hell out of

me. I’ve been there! I didn’t know how I was going to shower, scared of

being alone,

(what if I fall?) upset healing seemed to take FOREVER and what do I look

like? These are just a few.

So what did I do about it? You know eventually, people quit coming around to

help. You need to learn to do it for yourself today! Do your exercises. I can’t

express this enough. Every little bit of movement helps. Don’t wait to start

when you’re walking. Now it’s going to be even harder to get stronger.

Practice getting up and down off the floor if you’re a leg amputee. Always

know if you leave the house you have all supplies needed and are you going

to be able to use a restroom? Is it handicap accessible? Things to always


to check.

Next, are you taking time to rest? Read a good book. Snuggle your pets? Pamper

yourselves!! Make sure your spouse, family, and friends know exactly what is

needed and how they can help. Don’t bully yourself by saying: I’m stupid, I can’t,

my limb(s) ugly or people are pitying me. It’s none of our business

what do other people think and why do you care anyway?

What we say and do for ourselves matters

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